Play Therapy to Bridge Transracial Adoptive Children & Families
Facilitator: Jasmine Berger, MSW, LCSW, RPT
Webinar Date: TBD
Webinar Time: TBD
Location: Zoom
CEs: 3 APT Webinar CEs
Optional add-on for participants completing the certification program.
Webinar Description:
Transracial adoptions come with layers of issues to address including building a multicultural bridge within the adoptive family. Play therapists can benefit from understanding the potential roadblocks in supporting transracial adoptive families. This can include integrating attachment-based play therapy interventions to enhance the caregiver-child relationship such as filial therapy and Child-Parent Relationship Therapy. This webinar will explore play-based interventions to integrate racial socialization messages in family play therapy, as well as considerations for the school-based play therapist when implementing individual and group play therapy with transracial adoptive students.
Learning Objectives:
Identify play-based interventions to promote racial socialization messages in transracial adoptive families.
Design family play therapy treatment goals with transracial adoptive families.
List bibliotherapy to implement in play therapy sessions with transracial adoptive families.
9:00 am-9:15 am Introductions
9:15 am-10:30 am Lecture & experiential learning
10:30 am-10:45 am Break
10:45 am-12:15 pm Lecture & experiential learning