Engaging Black Families &
Communities in Play Therapy
Facilitator: April Duncan, DSW, LCSW, RPT-S
Webinar Date: TBD
Webinar Time: TBD
Location: Zoom
CEs: 6 APT Live Webinar CEs
*This webinar meets APT’s criteria for “live webinar”*
Webinar Description:
Black families and communities experience adversities that may disrupt important connections that are needed for Black children to thrive. Intergenerational and historical trauma within Black families can have an impact on parenting practices within the family and community system that may cause indirect, yet unintentional, harm in Black children. This workshop discusses important cultural considerations when engaging Black caregivers in family play therapy, along with the use of play-based community activities and events to help strengthen relationships and connections with the Black community.
Learning Objectives:
Analyze filial therapy techniques to engage Black caregivers in family play therapy.
Assess play therapy activities to help Black caregivers explore their parenting styles in parent consultations.
Describe play-based activities to enhance community engagement within Black communities.
Discuss game play therapy to strengthen connections in Black families and communities.
Identify ways to gain play therapy buy-in with Black caregivers.
Demonstrate cultural humility in play therapy consultations with Black caregivers.
9:00 am-9:15 am EST Introductions
9:15 am-10:30 am EST Lecture & experiential learning
10:30 am-10:45 am EST Break
10:45 am-12:00 pm EST Lecture & experiential learning
12:00 pm-1:00 pm EST Lunch break
1:00 pm -2:15 pm EST Lecture & experiential learning
2:15 pm-2:30 pm EST Break
2:30 pm-4:15 pm EST Lecture & experiential learning
4:15 pm- 4:30 pm EST Q & A/wrap-up